Monday, 11 June 2012

Desperate Housewives Finale Review (contains spoilers)

After 8 years Desperate Housewives has finally left our screens forever and the finale was everything we had hoped for. We had a birth, a death and a wedding and it definitely ended with a  "happily ever after" feel about it.

There were elements that were ridiculously far fetched but this was a show that jumped 10 years into the future a few seasons ago so after that we will pretty much forgive it for anything. The journey to the wedding when Julie's water breaks went a little bit too far however, we know Renee is heartless but is anyone really that self involved to dismiss that a friend's daughter is in labour to shop for a new wedding dress?

The rest of the episode however was heart warming and lovely, and the little montage with Karen dying, Julie giving birth and the Scavo's racing to the hospital was brilliantly cheesy and we thoroughly enjoyed it. 

We had a tear in our eye when Tom and Lynette got back together and what a great ending for Lynette getting her dream job as CEO for the US division of Katherine's successful food company. It's fantastic that she got the challenge you felt she always craved.

Carlos and Gabby were as comical as ever and we laughed out loud when Carlos employed the attractive lady gardener in response to Gabby's neglect. What a perfect finish that she ends up with her own personal shopper show and a mansion in California. 

Bree also had a happy ending after the ordeal of her grueling and revealing trial, she ends up marrying her lawyer Trip and starts a successful career in politics.

We were only sorry not to see how Susan's future panned out, it would have been nice to see a happy outlook given how tragic things have been for her. We were also shocked to see all the ghosts at the end and how many people had died on the lane, what a dangerous place to live!

All in all it was a superb ending to a brilliant show, and although it had run it's course we will be sad to see it go. We'll miss you.

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